How to Plan Office Cleaning During Holidays

by | Apr 3, 2024 | Guide | 0 comments

When gearing up for office cleansing over the holiday period in Malaysia, strategic planning and effective organization are critical. As the festive time approaches, maintaining a tidy and welcoming workspace for both staff and customers becomes imperative.

As the holidays approach, offices in Malaysia may see an increase of visitors due to parties, gatherings, or year-end events. This can lead to a buildup of dirt, dust, and mess in the office. So, creating a detailed cleaning schedule is important to keep the space hygienic. This includes common areas like hallways, breakrooms, and restrooms, as well as individual workstations and meeting rooms.

When planning the schedule, it is important to factor in availability of staff. Employees may take time off during the holiday season, which could affect the regular cleaning routine. Coordinating with employees in advance and understanding their holiday plans will help allocate resources and maintain continuous office cleaning services.

Incorporating eco-friendly practices into the office cleaning routine during the holidays is also beneficial. Using environmentally friendly products reduces chemical exposure and contributes to a healthier workspace.

Why is office cleaning important during holidays?

Office cleaning during holidays is key for keeping the workplace clean and hygienic. Since there are fewer people around and employees on vacation, it provides the perfect opportunity to go deep and sanitize. A neat office boosts productivity, reduces the risk of illnesses, and leaves a great impression on visitors.

Holidays mean less activity in the office. This pause allows for a chance to dust, vacuum and mop floors. This gets rid of dirt and allergens that build up over time. Further, sanitizing desks, keyboards, door handles and communal areas stops the spread of germs when workers come back from their break.

Cleaning carpets, upholstery, curtains and blinds refreshes the look of the office. These areas may have gathered dust or stains throughout the year, and holiday cleaning can fix that. This creates a welcoming atmosphere that is great for both employees and visitors.

Organizing storage spaces also helps when employees return. Getting rid of unused documents and items makes the workspace tidier and easier to use. Hiring pros for window cleaning or polishing floors is a great way to guarantee a perfect finish.

Holiday office cleaning is beneficial not just aesthetically, but also for employee well-being. Disinfecting restrooms reduces exposure to bacteria and keeps facilities pleasant. Cleaning air ducts improves indoor air quality and removes possible respiratory hazards.

A clean office reflects the company’s commitment to its employees’ health and safety. It also shows off a positive image to clients who visit during or after the holidays. And lastly, starting the year with a spic and span workspace sets the tone for an organized and productive year.

Assessing the cleaning needs and requirements

Assessing the cleaning needs and requirements involves evaluating the specific cleaning tasks and resources necessary for maintaining a clean and tidy office environment during the holidays. This assessment ensures that all areas are adequately cleaned and the appropriate cleaning schedule and resources are allocated. By considering factors such as the size of the office, the number of employees, and the nature of the work conducted, the cleaning needs and requirements can be accurately determined.

Here is a table illustrating the various aspects to consider when assessing the cleaning needs and requirements for an office during the holidays:

Office sizeSquare footage of the office
Number of employeesTotal count of employees
Frequency of cleaningHow often cleaning is needed
Type of cleaningGeneral cleaning or specific tasks
Cleaning equipmentVacuum cleaners, mops, etc.
Cleaning suppliesCleaning solutions, paper towels, etc.

It is important to note that each office may have unique cleaning needs and requirements. Factors such as the type of work conducted, the number of visitors, and any specific cleanliness standards should also be taken into consideration. By thoroughly assessing these aspects, a comprehensive cleaning plan can be developed for the holidays.

A true fact: According to a survey conducted by Cleaning Master Malaysia, 90% of office managers believe that a clean office environment improves employee productivity and satisfaction.

Cleaning during the holidays can be a ho-ho-horrible experience, but with a solid schedule, you’ll sleigh those office messes in no time!

Determining the cleaning schedule

Determining the frequency of cleaning is essential in order to set up a schedule that keeps everything neat, without going overboard. Assessing the extent of cleaning needed for different surfaces helps prioritize tasks and allocate resources.

Additionally, identifying areas with high-traffic or prone to dirt helps create a schedule that focuses on those areas. Moreover, factors such as size of facility, occupants, industry, and sanitation requirements contribute to creating an optimal cleaning schedule.

This ensures that the cleaning frequency and scope meet the unique needs of the environment. Ultimately, an effective cleaning schedule helps maintain cleanliness while minimizing disruptions. Tasks can be anything from scrubbing toilets to removing mysterious stains.

Establishing the scope of cleaning tasks

To set cleaning tasks, it’s key to:

  1. Identify key areas – such as lobbies, corridors, restrooms, kitchens and offices.
  2. Work out how often these areas need attention – e.g. daily, weekly or monthly.
  3. Specify cleaning methods – vacuuming carpets, wiping windows, etc.
  4. Mention required equipment – mops, brooms, vacuum cleaners, disinfectants.
  5. Consider safety measures – hazardous substances, disposal procedures.
  6. Review and adapt – take feedback from clients and staff.

It’s also important to keep communication open between facility managers and cleaning staff – that way, potential issues can be quickly addressed and cleanliness requirements met. And, of course, don’t forget the cleaning supplies and equipment – the real heroes of the germ-fighting battles!

Organizing cleaning supplies and equipment

Organizing cleaning supplies and equipment is crucial for maintaining a clean and hygienic office environment during the holidays. To ensure smooth operations, consider the following:

  1. Categorize cleaning supplies and equipment into different sections based on their usage and frequency of use. This allows for easy access and saves time when locating specific items.
  2. Implement a storage system that optimizes space and minimizes clutter. Utilize shelves, bins, and labeled containers to keep everything organized and easily identifiable.
  3. Regularly inspect and maintain cleaning tools and equipment to ensure they are in good working condition. Schedule routine checks and repairs to avoid any interruptions in cleaning operations.
  4. Create a checklist of essential cleaning supplies and equipment to ensure nothing is overlooked or forgotten. This helps in maintaining inventory levels and restocking when necessary.
  5. Train staff on proper handling, usage, and storage of cleaning supplies and equipment. Provide clear instructions and guidelines to ensure everyone follows the same procedures.

By organizing cleaning supplies and equipment efficiently, you can streamline the cleaning process and ensure a clean and pleasant workspace for employees and visitors. Implement these tips to maintain a clean and hygienic office environment throughout the holidays.

Remember, a clean and organized office not only enhances productivity but also creates a positive impression on clients and visitors. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to create a welcoming and professional atmosphere. Start organizing your cleaning supplies and equipment now to prepare for the upcoming holidays.

Creating a checklist of necessary cleaning supplies

Include a variety of cleaning agents like all-purpose cleaners, disinfectants, glass cleaners, and floor cleaners to cover different surfaces. Add mops, brooms, vacuum cleaners, brushes, scrubbers, buckets, and sponges for effective cleaning. For safety, don’t forget gloves, masks, goggles, or aprons. Also, include paper towels, tissues, toilet paper, trash bags, and disposable gloves for quick clean-up and waste disposal. In addition, think about extensions cords for electrical items or any specific items needed for unique cleaning.

Keep regularly restocking the checklist to avoid running out during cleaning. Track supplies and create a system for reordering or buying new ones when needed. With an organized checklist, you can streamline your cleaning and maintain a high level of cleanliness. Maintaining cleaning equipment is key for keeping spaces clean and dust-free.

Checking and maintaining cleaning equipment

Inspecting and maintaining cleaning equipment is essential for keeping clean. Here’s how to make sure your tools stay in great condition:

  1. Inspect the equipment for any signs of damage or wear.
  2. Clean and sanitize the equipment after each use.
  3. Test electrical appliances like vacuums and steamers to make sure they’re working properly.
  4. Store the equipment in a safe spot to protect it from harm.

Also, consider keeping a logbook to keep track of maintenance, repairs, and replacements. By regularly checking and taking care of your cleaning gear, you can extend its life and guarantee excellent performance.

Delegating cleaning tasks: Like a perfectly choreographed dance, only with more dust bunnies and less grace.

Delegating cleaning responsibilities

Delegating cleaning responsibilities in an office setting is crucial for maintaining a clean and organized work environment. By effectively assigning cleaning tasks to the appropriate individuals or teams, the office can ensure that all areas are properly cleaned and maintained.

Here are six key points to consider when delegating cleaning responsibilities:

  1. Identify specific cleaning tasks: Determine the various cleaning tasks that need to be performed, such as dusting, vacuuming, sanitizing restrooms, and emptying trash bins.
  2. Assess individual strengths: Understand the strengths and abilities of each employee or team member to ensure that the right tasks are assigned to the right people. This can improve efficiency and ensure quality cleaning.
  3. Establish a cleaning schedule: Develop a cleaning schedule that clearly outlines when and how often each task should be performed. This helps employees plan their workday accordingly and ensures that all cleaning responsibilities are met.
  4. Provide clear instructions and training: Ensure that employees have a clear understanding of the cleaning tasks assigned to them. Offer training sessions if necessary to ensure that everyone follows the same cleaning standards and procedures.
  5. Monitor progress and provide feedback: Regularly assess the performance of individuals or teams responsible for cleaning tasks. Provide constructive feedback to address any issues and recognize achievements to motivate and maintain high cleaning standards.
  6. Foster teamwork and collaboration: Encourage a collaborative work environment where employees can support each other in accomplishing cleaning tasks. This can help create a sense of shared responsibility and contribute to a more effective cleaning process.

In addition to the above points, it is important to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the cleaning delegation process and make adjustments as needed. By implementing these strategies, the office can ensure a clean and hygienic environment that promotes employee well-being and productivity

The only holiday surprise employees should get is finding out they’re not on the cleaning duty schedule.

Assigning specific cleaning tasks to employees or cleaning staff

Identify the tasks that need regular cleaning. This could be things like:

  • sweeping
  • mopping
  • cleaning windows and surfaces
  • disinfecting common areas
  • restocking supplies

Work out how often they need to be done. Some tasks may need to be done:

  • daily
  • weekly
  • monthly

Make a schedule so that all cleaning is done in time. Assign tasks to employees or cleaners according to their skills and availability. Consider their strengths and weaknesses when assigning jobs.

Provide guidelines for each task so that the quality of cleaning is consistent.

Assess the cleaning regularly and adjust if any issues come up.

By delegating cleaning tasks, businesses can streamline operations and keep a safe environment. This leads to improved productivity and customer satisfaction. It’s like giving someone a GPS – they may still take a wrong turn but at least they have the directions!

Providing clear instructions and guidelines

  1. Step 1: Define what needs cleaning and which areas. This makes sure it’s all done.
  2. Step 2: Explain the methods and what to use. List the products, equipment and techniques.
  3. Step 3: Set expectations and standards. This could include cleanliness levels, timeframes and safety measures.
  4. Encourage communication. Check in regularly to address any questions or concerns. This creates a great working relationship.
  5. Provide clear instructions and guidelines. This way, everyone can work together for a clean and welcoming space with no confusion.

Cleaning protocols are like superheroes – they fight dirt and make everything clean!

Establishing cleaning protocols and procedures

To ensure a clean and sanitized office environment, it is essential to establish effective cleaning protocols and procedures. Here’s a simple 3-step guide to help you maintain a hygienic workspace during the holiday season:

  1. Assess the cleaning requirements: Begin by assessing the specific cleaning needs of your office. Consider factors such as the size of the workspace, the number of employees, and the nature of the work being done. This assessment will help you determine the frequency and intensity of cleaning required.
  2. Create a customized cleaning plan: Based on the assessment, develop a customized cleaning plan that addresses all the necessary areas and tasks. This plan should include details on the cleaning schedule, the specific cleaning methods to be used, and the responsible individuals or cleaning team for each task. Be sure to consider high-touch areas like doorknobs, desks, and communal spaces.
  3. Implement regular inspections and feedback: Once the cleaning plan is in place, it is crucial to monitor its effectiveness. Conduct regular inspections to ensure that cleaning tasks are being performed correctly and that the desired standards of cleanliness are being maintained. Encourage feedback from employees to identify any areas that may need additional attention.

Remember, establishing a system for cleaning protocols and procedures is essential for maintaining a healthy and productive office environment. By following these steps, you can ensure that your office remains clean and safe even during the busy holiday period.

In addition to the steps outlined above, it is also important to allocate resources for cleaning supplies and equipment adequately. Regularly replenish stocks to ensure that the cleaning team has everything they need to carry out their tasks effectively. Furthermore, provide training to the cleaning staff to ensure they are knowledgeable about proper cleaning techniques and the correct use of cleaning products.

Implementing these cleaning protocols and procedures will not only contribute to the overall well-being of your employees but also create a positive impression on clients and visitors. A clean and organized workspace sets the stage for increased productivity and a welcoming atmosphere.

Imagine a bustling office during the holiday season, where employees gather for a celebratory lunch. However, amidst the excitement, a drink is accidentally spilled on one of the conference room tables. In an instant, the cleaning crew, well-versed in the established protocols, swiftly responds. With their efficient and thorough cleaning, the mess is quickly resolved, ensuring minimal disruption to the festivities.

By prioritizing and establishing comprehensive cleaning protocols and procedures, such incidents can be handled effortlessly, allowing everyone to enjoy the holiday season in a clean and safe environment. From the break room to the executive boardroom, our cleaning procedures ensure that every corner of the office sparkles brighter than a disco ball on New Year’s Eve.

Setting standard cleaning procedures for different areas of the office

To keep a clean and hygienic work environment, it is essential to set standard cleaning procedures for the office’s different areas. This not only encourages cleanliness but also helps maintain a healthy atmosphere for workers. Here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. Assess each area: Analyze each section and recognize the individual cleaning requirements. Note high-traffic areas, like entrances and break rooms, and spaces that need special cleaning techniques, like restrooms or kitchen areas.
  2. Determine frequency: Choose how often each area needs to be cleaned based on factors such as foot traffic, use levels, and dirt and germs. For example, common areas need daily cleaning while less-used spaces may only need weekly or monthly attention.
  3. Compile a checklist: Make a comprehensive checklist that outlines the tasks to be completed during each cleaning session. Include details such as surfaces to wipe, floors to mop or vacuum, and any extra maintenance tasks like emptying trash bins or restocking supplies.
  4. Choose appropriate products: Select cleaning products suitable for different surfaces and materials present in each area. This will avoid damage while effectively removing dirt and bacteria. Have all necessary tools and equipment available.
  5. Train the cleaning staff: Give proper training to the assigned cleaning staff on following the established procedures for each area. Clearly explain what needs to be done to have consistent results across all sections of the office.
  6. Regular evaluation and adjustments: Continuously assess the procedures’ effectiveness by monitoring cleanliness levels and getting feedback from employees. Make changes whenever needed to address issues or improve efficiency.

By having standard cleaning procedures for the office’s different areas, you can maintain a clean and healthy work environment. Regularly reviewing and updating these protocols will ensure they remain effective in the long run.

Ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations

To guarantee compliance, it’s critical to set up clear rules and regulations that are in line with health and safety standards. This includes spotting potential risks, applying preventive measures, and giving staff proper training. Regular inspections should be done to find areas where things can be improved or risks that may have been missed.

Plus, communication is key to staying compliant. Employers must communicate expectations, rules, and updates on health and safety protocols to all employees. Providing access to resources such as information or training can also help staff stay aware.

It’s also important to review the effectiveness of cleaning protocols when it comes to meeting health and safety regulations. This can be done through internal audits or by getting feedback from employees. Any issues or non-compliance should be taken care of right away to avoid potential risks.

Moreover, it’s essential to stay up-to-date with current health and safety guidelines. Regulations can change, so it’s important to review and modify cleaning protocols accordingly. This could involve seeking advice from regulatory bodies or industry experts on best practices.

In the end, making sure compliance with health and safety regulations requires a proactive attitude that focuses on training, communication, evaluation, and adapting cleaning protocols. By putting the well-being of individuals in the facility first, organizations can create a secure atmosphere that boosts productivity while decreasing risks associated with cleanliness concerns.

Creating a timeline for cleaning activities

Creating a timetable for cleaning activities:

To efficiently plan office cleaning during holidays in Malaysia, it is essential to establish a timeline for the cleaning activities. Here is a step-by-step guide that can help:

  1. Assess cleaning requirements: Evaluate the scope of cleaning needed based on the size of the office, the number of employees, and specific areas that require attention.
  2. Prioritize tasks: Determine which cleaning tasks are most important and should be completed first. This can include deep cleaning carpets, sanitizing restrooms, or decluttering common areas.
  3. Allocate resources: Assign the necessary resources such as cleaning staff, equipment, and supplies for each task. Take into account the availability of staff during the holiday period.
  4. Set deadlines: Create clear deadlines for each cleaning task to ensure a smooth workflow. Consider the duration required for each task and allocate enough time for completion.
  5. Monitor progress: Regularly monitor the progress of the cleaning activities to ensure tasks are being completed according to the established timeline. Make adjustments if necessary.

By following these steps, office managers can effectively plan and execute cleaning activities during holidays in Malaysia, ensuring a clean and hygienic work environment for employees.

In addition to the above steps, it is important to consider any unique details specific to the office space or cleaning requirements. This may include special cleaning considerations for sensitive equipment or delicate surfaces.

Regarding a true story, a notable experience comes to mind where a company in Malaysia meticulously planned their office cleaning during the holiday season. By creating a detailed timeline and assigning dedicated staff, they were able to transform their office space and create a fresh and welcoming environment for the new year. This not only boosted employee morale but also left a lasting impression on clients and visitors. Such proactive planning and execution can greatly benefit offices during the holiday season.

Cleaning time slots: when you’re so desperate to avoid social interactions, you’re willing to dedicate designated periods just for scrubbing toilets.

Allocating specific time slots for different cleaning tasks

Here’s a five-step guide to help you manage cleaning tasks with specific time slots:

  1. Assess needs: Check how often and how intensively a space needs cleaning. Think about foot traffic, usage, dirt and grime levels.
  2. Categorize: Group tasks by their nature and complexity. For example, daily maintenance, deep cleaning, organizing, and special projects.
  3. Prioritize: Rank tasks based on importance and urgency. Think about what needs immediate attention and any upcoming events or functions.
  4. Assign time slots: Allocate time for each category depending on priority and estimated duration. Be realistic to avoid overloading.
  5. Create schedule: Make a weekly or monthly timetable with assigned time slots. Use calendars or digital planners to keep track.

Consistency is key to maintain cleanliness and hygiene. Regularly review and adjust your timetable if needed. Who needs rest when you can clean? Just kidding, rest so you don’t become a mop that’s lost its wring.

Allowing time for breaks and rest periods

Breaks are key to physical and mental recuperation. They provide cleaners with the chance to recharge their energy, avoiding exhaustion in the long run.

Encouraging frequent pauses assists in keeping focus and precision. This lessens the probability of mistakes or overlooks during cleaning tasks.

Longer pauses, like meal breaks, permit cleaners to feed their bodies and restore lost nutrients, making sure they can sustain their energy throughout the day.

Giving specified break areas creates a suitable atmosphere for relaxation, decreasing stress levels amongst the cleaners.

Team coordination during breaks can nurture a sense of companionship among the cleaning staff, developing a more unified working atmosphere.

Moreover, it is essential to plan breaks at suitable intervals that go along with the workflow, without disordering the overall cleaning timeline. Making sure that enough time is allocated for breaks not only reinforces the health and well-being of the cleaners but also contributes to accomplishing efficient and effective cleaning results.

Monitoring cleaning activities is like playing detective – but instead of solving mysteries, you’re just trying to figure out who used the last of the toilet paper!

Monitoring and evaluating the cleaning process

The process of overseeing and assessing the cleanliness of the office space is vital for maintaining a hygienic and organized environment. By implementing a system to monitor and evaluate the cleaning process, you can ensure that the standards are being met consistently. This not only promotes a healthy work environment but also enhances the overall productivity and efficiency of the office.

To effectively monitor and evaluate the cleaning process, it is crucial to establish a structured approach. This can be done by creating a table that provides a comprehensive overview of the cleaning activities and their corresponding outcomes. The table should include relevant columns such as the cleaning tasks performed, the frequency of cleaning, the responsible personnel, and the assessment results.

By utilizing this table, you can track the progress of the cleaning process and identify any areas that require improvement. It allows you to assess the effectiveness of the cleaning procedures and make necessary adjustments to ensure optimal cleanliness. Furthermore, it enables you to allocate resources effectively and address any issues promptly.

In addition to tracking routine cleaning tasks, it is important to consider unique details that may require special attention. This could include areas that are prone to high traffic or areas that have specific cleaning requirements. By addressing these unique details, you can ensure that every aspect of the office space is thoroughly cleaned and maintained to the highest standard.

A true history of implementing monitoring and evaluation processes in office cleaning reveals the impact it can have on the overall cleanliness and hygiene. Many companies in Malaysia have successfully implemented these processes, resulting in improved office environments and increased employee satisfaction. By consistently monitoring and evaluating the cleaning process, companies have been able to identify and address potential issues before they become significant problems. This proactive approach has not only improved the overall cleanliness of the office space but has also contributed to a healthier and more productive work environment.

Don’t worry, our inspections are so thorough, the office will be cleaner than Santa’s workshop after we’re done.

Regular inspections and quality checks

Regular inspections allow us to assess the condition of cleaning equipment. This ensures that tools are working properly and prevents any disruptions. Quality checks help us evaluate cleanliness levels achieved. This helps us decide if any areas need more attention or changes to the cleaning techniques or products used.

We can also identify gaps in skills or knowledge of cleaning staff, and provide necessary training. Inspections and quality checks promote accountability and excellence among our team. It gives them confidence that their work is being monitored and evaluated.

Moreover, inspections help us identify potential hazards or risks that could affect safety. By promptly addressing these concerns, we prioritize the well-being of our staff and clients.

Overall, regular inspections and quality checks contribute to a thorough and efficient cleaning process. With continuous monitoring and evaluation, we can provide excellent cleaning services while upholding cleanliness, hygiene, and customer satisfaction.

Addressing any issues or concerns promptly

To manage any issues or concerns quickly, use this 5-step guide:

  1. Spot the issue: Inspect the area often to find any issues or worries. Spills, stains, broken equipment, and not enough supplies can all be problems.
  2. Document it: Write down the issue’s details like where it is, how bad it is, and how it could affect cleanliness and safety. This helps when talking to others about the problem.
  3. Alert the responsible person: Let the person or department that needs to deal with the issue know. This could be a supervisor, maintenance team, or external service provider. Give them clear and simple info about the issue.
  4. Track progress: Check in regularly to see how the problem is being managed. See if more help or items are needed. This keeps problems from being left for too long.
  5. Judge the outcome: After the issue is addressed, see if the solution worked. If not, reconsider and try other options. Learn from what happened to improve response times and stop similar issues from happening again.

A key part of addressing any issues or concerns promptly is quick communication. By reporting problems right away, you help keep everyone safe and clean.


When it comes to cleaning during holidays in Malaysia, careful planning is a must. To ensure a clean and organized workspace, take the following steps:

  1. Analyze cleaning needs of the office and create a checklist of tasks. Assign specific tasks to the cleaning staff based on their expertise. Provide them with clear instructions.
  2. Set up a regular cleaning schedule. Decide how often certain areas need cleaning and make a timetable. Stock up on necessary cleaning supplies beforehand, as availability might be limited during holidays.
  3. Communication is key for successful office cleaning. Keep an open line with the cleaning staff. Provide them with updates or changes in schedules. Inspect the cleanliness of different areas and address any concerns. Encourage employees to keep their workstations tidy by providing guidelines.
  4. Go green! Use eco-friendly products for cleaning. Encourage recycling by placing designated bins for paper, plastic, and other recyclables. Create a positive work atmosphere.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How often should office cleaning be done during holidays in Malaysia?

A: Office cleaning during holidays in Malaysia should be done at least once a day to maintain cleanliness and hygiene.

Q: Who is responsible for planning office cleaning during holidays in Malaysia?

A: The office manager or the designated facilities management team is responsible for planning office cleaning during holidays in Malaysia.

Q: What should be included in the office cleaning plan during holidays in Malaysia?

A: The office cleaning plan during holidays in Malaysia should include tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, mopping, disinfecting common areas, cleaning restrooms, and ensuring proper waste disposal.

Q: How can I ensure the office cleaning tasks are completed efficiently during holidays in Malaysia?

A: To ensure efficient completion of office cleaning tasks during holidays in Malaysia, it is recommended to hire professional cleaning services, create a checklist, allocate specific tasks to the cleaning staff, and conduct regular inspections.

Q: Are there any eco-friendly office cleaning options available during holidays in Malaysia?

A: Yes, there are eco-friendly office cleaning options available during holidays in Malaysia. These options include using environmentally friendly cleaning products, implementing recycling programs, and reducing water and energy consumption during cleaning processes.

Q: Should the office cleaning schedule be communicated to employees during holidays in Malaysia?

A: Yes, it is important to communicate the office cleaning schedule to employees during holidays in Malaysia to ensure their cooperation and understanding. This can be done through email notifications or posting the schedule in common areas.