Tips for Cleaning and Organizing Your Child’s Room

by | Mar 24, 2024 | Tips | 0 comments

It’s common knowledge that parenthood is among life’s greatest treasures. Along with this gift comes the formidable challenge of daily child care. This includes making their meals, chauffeuring them to school and back, helping with homework, managing bath time, and, of course, constantly cleaning up their spaces. Clearly, the complexity of our lives goes beyond what meets the eye.

Kids love to make a mess, whether he is in his room or not. Seeing their room with toys scattered everywhere, books under their bed, crafts fell out of the cabinet, dirty clothes on the floor, and the list goes on, makes us feel disastrous and uncomfortable.

Maintaining a clean and organized room for your kids can be so much disaster for every parent out there. Kids will be kids, and organizing them will be tough. But with these helpful tips, we will help you keep your children’s room organized and under control.

P.S. Do you need help with your cleaning related task? We have a team of professional cleaners throughout Malaysia who are committed to assisting you with your cleaning needs.

Get your Kids Involved in the Job

kids cleaning

Deal with the cause. First things, Since your kids are the reason for having a messy room, they should understand first the importance of having a clean room and the reason why must keep it clean. Taking responsibility for your room is part of enjoying your space. Talk to them. 

Offer Rewards. Some parents begin teaching their kids to clean their rooms about three years old. But if you think that your child is too young for this, you may need to emphasize that doing good can have a reward or incentive in return. Give a reward every time your child does something that keeps the room clean. You may give him a sticker every time he puts his toys away, or prepare his favorite food when he put his dirty clothes in the laundry. There are lots of other ways that work for your family.

Be Specific and Set Example. Not all kids can easily understand how to make their room clean and organized. With this, you may give them a list of tasks and show them how to do it. You may show them where should they place their toys, how to return their books properly on the shelves, how to make up their beds, and other things. Showing these things to your kids makes them understand better what should they do.

More Storage Boxes are Better.

Storage Boxes

Storages boxes are not like hanging shelves. The main purpose of these boxes is to help your kids easily get and return their go-to stuff such as toys, drawing, and coloring books, and crafts. It not only keeps things tidy, but it helps teach kids how to put things away and prevent items from getting lost. You may also use different colors for every box or put a label on it for easier identification. It is better if everything has its right place. You may also want to consider installing shelves and cabinets. 

Declutter for More Space.

declutter for more space

For toys, if your kids are old enough, it is a good idea to talk with your kids and let them choose what they want to keep and what they are able to part with. Any broken toys that cannot be fixed or that make them unusable can already be removed in their rooms. Removing doesn’t mean throwing it into the garbage.

You may donate those toys to some orphanage or any foundation. For clothes, you may want to empty the closet and make sure that you are only keeping the clothes that fit your kids. You can resell, donate, or keep the clothes in another storage area for future purposes. For books, choose the book that they have outgrown by their minds or just didn’t like. These books are just making your shelves bursting. You may also consider donating the books for more breathable space in the room. 

Clean the Furniture.

brown sofa cleaning

Since your kids are not that big enough to reach those big and high placed furniture, dust and grimes can be piled on them. Get one cleaning cloth and damp. You may start from the door make a clockwise direction in the room to ensure that nothing will be miss. Dust each piece of furniture that you came along, those shelves from top to bottom, move the tables and chairs. Empty the drawers and use a vacuum cleaner to remove all the dust inside.

Sweep and Mop

mop the floor

Never forget to make the floor shining. You can use a broom and a mop to get rid of dust and most buildup. You need to move furniture to effectively clean the floor up to its corners. Apply wax and polish if you have a floor with varnish. You may also want to use a vacuum if you have a carpet inside their room.

Make the Windows Shine.

cleaning the window

Using a glass cleaner and a fresh dry cloth can make your windows and mirrors shine. Dust off the glasses first then spray the glass cleaner all over the surface. Finish it by wiping until it gets dry and shined.

Change the Beddings.

change the beddings

Take the cover and sheets off of your bed. Take the pillowcase off the pillow. Dust off the bed with the help of a vacuum cleaner. Then put on clean and sanitized sheets and a pillowcase. Immediately, put the dirty sheets outside your bedroom door.

Wipe the Walls.

cleaning the walls

This is not a must on every cleaning schedule in your kid’s room. But if the walls and ceilings are not considered for three months or more, then I think you can consider this the next time. Also, some kids make drawings on the wall using their crayons and pens. Give the walls and ceilings a quick brush to remove the spider webs and clean those wall arts. 

A clean and organized room can help your kids improve their self-esteem. Studies have shown that clean and orderly environments inspire morality and good behavior. These are just some of the tips we have for keeping kids’ rooms clean. We hope that these tips can save a lot of time and effort by the time that you are going to clean your kid’s room again. Happy cleaning!